Friday, March 14, 2008

New projects

We are working on a some projects - open source programs!
OKO Xampp, joomla, moodle, abyss, badblue and some others.
With my friend Damijan Likar we test some of this programs and they very good works!
We made p2p server and internet page working on a virtual machine installed on my server. There I also have my internet page and moodle for our informatics scholl fellows.

Now they are available only in Slovene language, because we are very busy with our school program.
Greetings to all visitors of my blog.

1 comment:

Saša said...

Hi Dušan - interesting projects. What is the purpose of your Moodle? A meeting place?
BTW I see you tag your posts writingmatrix, great, thanks :-) - I'm just not sure why Technorati doesn't show them... Have you tried registering your blog there? Sometimes it helps...