Friday, March 14, 2008

New projects

We are working on a some projects - open source programs!
OKO Xampp, joomla, moodle, abyss, badblue and some others.
With my friend Damijan Likar we test some of this programs and they very good works!
We made p2p server and internet page working on a virtual machine installed on my server. There I also have my internet page and moodle for our informatics scholl fellows.

Now they are available only in Slovene language, because we are very busy with our school program.
Greetings to all visitors of my blog.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I was at wedding last saturday

My neighbours got married last Saturday.

I'm the one in the middle.

In our region we have a tradition. When the bridegroom comes to get his bride, he must pay for her .

For that reason he arrived with a fiat 500 also known as “FIČO” in our country, so he would look poorer.

Finally, he paid five hundred Tolars which are also not in circulation any more.

That is why they gave the money back to him.

He also had to saw a log with an old rusty saw.

We had a civil ceremony in the Zemono mansion.
Here is the SLOVENE link.

First steps together as husband and wife.

You will never guess who came there to congratulate them.

The ex first lady

and our ex president of Slovenia.

In my opinion the best of all times, we probably won't have a president of state like him any more.

And they will live happily together for ever and ever…

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Learning Computer networks and communications

Today me and my schoolfellow Damijan Likar are studying for the exam, wich we will have next Thursday.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Funny clouds

created at

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Nokia N95 - revolution!?

What is it?
Is it a camera?
Is it a GPS?
Or is it a mobile phone?

You can find more at:,n95

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The first of may - my second birth date!

The first of May is not only workers day it's also my second chance to live.

It was exactly ten years ago on the first of May in 1997 I was riding on the major road from Miren to Opatje Selo. Betwen noon and one PM I had an accident, I was riding too fast about 200 km/h on the road which allows us to ride 90 km/h. It carryed me away from optimal line, and I had to begun to start braking, however I didn't succeed to stop the motorcycle, so after three somersaults I grazed tree with my shoulder and the motorcycle landed on my back. I was in hospital for one month and one week on the line of non-return. I needed ten months of medical treatments to healed fourteen fractured bones in my body and I got lucky that I didn't became disabled person on the handcart.

As you see today is my secondary birth date!!!!!

It was ten years ago when I was younger...
as you see Kawasaki fits beautifully into the nature,
even girls rides Kawasaki,This is how ti looks a new Kawasaki Ninja ZX6R,
and this is how it looks after accident,
after ten months of medical treatments, my fractured bones were healed and I was back to the saddle

I also repair my Kawasaki
I had fortune and now every first of May I'm celebrating my second unofficial birth date!